Diagnosis & Prevention

We offer at the request of shareholders or managers, of their lawyers and/or bank partners for technical missions in order to present global diagnosis regarding the organization and financial situation of the company, to review business plans, to even review in details some specific contracts, to present an internal review of business plan in transfer plan, in operational or financial restructuring.

We can also offer, for specific missions, cash management including the follow up of bank resourcing for a short period (Dailly) and the review/management of clients’ accounts.

Our specificity :

  • Personnalized follow up of cases and community relationships with our clients ;
  • Diagnosis, Independent Business Review (« IBR »), Cut-Off in case of transfer, recervership plans and optimization, escort of companies;
  • Cash Management : establishment and follow up of financing plans, rewiew of clients’ accounts, action plans and their partial or full follow up, independent opinion at the request of financial organism for the establishment and/or follow up for bank resourcing for a short period (Dailly) and guarantees for the contracts.

Some figures :
We have intervened for more than 20 years all over French territory (metropolis and DOM-TOM) and have done several hundreds of missions by Commercial Courts, for all kinds of companies (Turnover of 3 M€ till more than 150 M€).
